Friday, October 29, 2010


You won't have to explain yourself to someone that truly "gets" you & if they don't get you why are you trying to get them?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone that will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.

Monday, October 11, 2010

someone i'm following on twitter tweeted something simple but slightly profound the other day:

when you meet the person that's meant for you they won't have to sell you a dream because they'll be offering something you won't refuse.

.....or something like that any way.  ;)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Last week I was having a conversation with one of my friends via Office Communicator at work.    I told her how I tend to look for the good in everyone and it's possibly my down fall.  I'm not saying that I let people get over on me but I initially take everyone as being good at heart.    I've always believed that you meet a few people that you can honestly call friends and then you meet those who are good associates.  Nothing more, nothing less.    It's common for females to say that they don't really mess with other females because they're this and/or that but in reality that's a cover up.  Insecurity issues and what not.   I used to be that girl but as I've aged I realized that it's just some things that are way easier discussing with the girls than the guys.    I love my male friends equally as I love my girls but neither hold rank.   If that makes sense.    BUT there are females that I "befriend" and I sometimes wish I could erase the date that I gave these broads a open door to my life.   I completely detest fickleness and lately it's been overbearing.    I appreciate realness and I expect to receive realness but you know they say expectations leads to disappointments so I try to balance the two.   I guess this was one big ramble.  Hope all is well.  

Peace and Prosperity,
april nicole. <3

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Daily Doses.

1. Quit arguing with people about the same old foolishness! Respect their position and keep it moving!

2. Quit telling people your secrets when you know they are not going to keep them! And if you keep telling them, then quit getting mad when they tell your secrets!

3. Quit trying to pull people on your journey who don’t want to travel with you. Either they believe in you and value you…or they don’t!

4. Quit complaining about things you can’t and won’t change!

5. Quit gossiping about other people! Minding our own business should be a full time job!

6. Quit blaming each other for things that in the big picture aren’t going to matter three weeks from now! Talk solutions…and then implement them!

7. Quit eating things you know are not good for you! If you can’t quit…eat smaller portions!

8. Quit buying things when we know we can’t afford them! If you don’t have self control, then quit going to the stores! Quit charging things, especially when you don’t NEED them!

9. Quit staying in unhealthy relationships! It is not okay for people to verbally or physically abuse you! So quit lying to yourself! It is not okay to stay in the marriage for the children! Ask them and they will tell you that they really would prefer to see you happy and that the misery you and your spouse/partner are living with is affecting them!

10. Quit letting family members rope you into the drama! – Start telling them you don’t want to hear it! Quit spreading the drama! Quit calling other relatives and telling them about your cousin or aunt! Go back to #5 minding your own business should be enough to keep you busy!

11. Quit trying to change people! IT DOESN’T WORK! Quit cussing people out when you know that they are just being the miserable and jealous people that they are!

12. Quit the job you hate! Start pursuing your passion.. Find the job that fuels your passion BEFORE you quit!

13. Quit volunteering for things that you aren’t getting any personal fulfillment from anymore! Quit volunteering for things and then failing to follow through with your commitment!

14. Quit listening to the naysayers! Quit watching the depressing news if you are going to live in the doom and gloom of it all!

15. Quit making excuses about why you are where you are or why you can’t do what you want to do!

16. Quit waiting on others to give you the answers…and start finding the answers for yourself! If what you are doing isn’t working for you…then quit it!

17. Quit settling and start making your dreams a reality!- Quit being afraid and START LIVING YOUR LIFE! CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT! If you want something different than what you have had in the past…you must quit doing what you have done before and DO something different! JUST QUIT IT …… and START DOING something to create the experience you want!


i'm ready for my last, first kiss.

Sunday, October 03, 2010


I'm ready for that guy that just makes me smile when his name pops up on my phone; the one that gives me forehead kisses and assures me that everything will be okay.    Where art thou? ;)

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