Sunday, October 10, 2010


Last week I was having a conversation with one of my friends via Office Communicator at work.    I told her how I tend to look for the good in everyone and it's possibly my down fall.  I'm not saying that I let people get over on me but I initially take everyone as being good at heart.    I've always believed that you meet a few people that you can honestly call friends and then you meet those who are good associates.  Nothing more, nothing less.    It's common for females to say that they don't really mess with other females because they're this and/or that but in reality that's a cover up.  Insecurity issues and what not.   I used to be that girl but as I've aged I realized that it's just some things that are way easier discussing with the girls than the guys.    I love my male friends equally as I love my girls but neither hold rank.   If that makes sense.    BUT there are females that I "befriend" and I sometimes wish I could erase the date that I gave these broads a open door to my life.   I completely detest fickleness and lately it's been overbearing.    I appreciate realness and I expect to receive realness but you know they say expectations leads to disappointments so I try to balance the two.   I guess this was one big ramble.  Hope all is well.  

Peace and Prosperity,
april nicole. <3

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