Monday, November 29, 2010

I Trust You.

God will make a way.


I think sometimes we get too content with where we are in life and we get frustrated.    Especially with relationships.  We go through life picturing this ideal relationship and when we don't necessarily reach it - we settle.   We just accept whatever that's thrown to us.   It shouldn't be that.   We [females especially] should understand that we deserve so much more and until you get what you deserve - keep waiting.  Patience is truly a virtue.  We have to understand that God is preparing us our MAN and until we are ready we won't get him.  Those bad relationships were preparations for that ONE GOOD LASTING relationship.  Until we understand that we'll forever question ourselves.  What went wrong?  Just accept it.  Granted no one likes the feeling of being alone, being hurt, being deceived -- but those things help us become stronger.   Life is no crystal stair.  Life is no walk in the park....but at the same time it's not always hard.  Just be patient.     Your alone season is sometimes best for you.  It gives you a chance to figure out yourself, to fall in love with you, to spend sometimes with God....don't question your season...embrace and see yourself through.

with love,
april nicole.

Monday, November 22, 2010


  • Trust in the perfection of your life and let yourself be fully where you are in the moment.
  • Trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.  Know that what you have to look forward to is greater than what you are leaving behind.
  • And trust that you will "arrive" in time and on time, not a minute sooner or later.

peace and prospertiy,
april nicole. <3

Sunday, November 21, 2010

That Girl.

This is TRUTH!

The Miseducation of Nicki Minaj


Open up your eyes, and close your mouth.
Open up your ears, and listen to the sounds..
Stop existing, and start living..
Your dreams can become your reality..only if you put them in your own hands..
♥ signed,
a beautiful dreamer

Saturday, November 20, 2010


We forgive so many people BUT we don't take the time to forgive ourselves

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Here are my latest tweets.  Just a few life lessons I've acquired over the past two months and had to put them into effect immediately.   Such is life.   
  • The length of time you've known someone doesn't necessarily make the associate-ship valuable.
  • Regardless of what people say, they have some preconceived notion about you.
  • There is always some truth in jester.
  • At the end of the day you are responsible for you. No matter how many times a nia say they have your ready to have YOUR OWN back
  • There's no point in trying to get to know someone if they don't allow you too.
  • If you're chasing the same person for more than thirty days with no progress, move on.
  • If you're having second thoughts about telling someone something, keep it to yourself.
  • People will get close enough to you just to betray you. See Jesus, See Judas.
  • at the end of the day I categorize everything as another life lesson. We live and we learn.
  • What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
 peace and prosperity,
april nicole. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


At the end of the day people just want somebody that gets them. They just want to be understood, accepted, and loved.

Monday, November 08, 2010


I'll never accept letting myself down. I had motivation in me way before they told me what I could not be.

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