Monday, November 29, 2010


I think sometimes we get too content with where we are in life and we get frustrated.    Especially with relationships.  We go through life picturing this ideal relationship and when we don't necessarily reach it - we settle.   We just accept whatever that's thrown to us.   It shouldn't be that.   We [females especially] should understand that we deserve so much more and until you get what you deserve - keep waiting.  Patience is truly a virtue.  We have to understand that God is preparing us our MAN and until we are ready we won't get him.  Those bad relationships were preparations for that ONE GOOD LASTING relationship.  Until we understand that we'll forever question ourselves.  What went wrong?  Just accept it.  Granted no one likes the feeling of being alone, being hurt, being deceived -- but those things help us become stronger.   Life is no crystal stair.  Life is no walk in the park....but at the same time it's not always hard.  Just be patient.     Your alone season is sometimes best for you.  It gives you a chance to figure out yourself, to fall in love with you, to spend sometimes with God....don't question your season...embrace and see yourself through.

with love,
april nicole.

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