Sunday, February 06, 2011

In pursuit of Mr. Perfect...

I was online last night and I believe someone tweeted or perhaps it was retweet (nonetheless it was on Twitter) that "so many women miss out on Mr. Right waiting and/or looking for Mr. Perfect and I'm here to add my two cents...

The only form of perfection I search for is Jesus - my God is a perfect God - outside of that I am fully aware that man isn't perfect so seeking perfection in someone in human form is rather silly.   Granted someones' Mr. Right may be their form of perfection as in having every possible exhaustive quality that they seek but at the same time to each his own....correct?  Correct.   I remember some time ago having a similar conversation with one of my friends and we were discussing ideal qualities and the reasoning behind me being single and refusing to give any guy "play" - I desire certain things in a guy and above all some are of high priority and some are merely things I like but could actually go without.   She began to express that I may not get all I want so I shouldn't my hopes up - at the end of the day wouldn't that be settling.  I refuse to believe that there isn't that one guy divinely created for me - I refuse to believe that and until then I'll continue to enjoy my singlehood (lol) and patiently wait.     I believe that these days it's common to be in a relationship and just desire a mate but I desire THE mate not just A.  Mine.  My "other half" as they often call them.  

I digress.

Peace & Prosperity,

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