Tuesday, December 07, 2010


We often quote, "A woman's heart should be so hidden in God that a man has to seek God to find it"  it's possible that i misquoted that because I was going off the dome but last night I and a friend really analyzed it.

When you are so lost in God with your whole heart the world can't find it and in order to get you a man has to come through God.   I don't think we truly get it.   It requires a total submission to God in order to be lost -- and that's what I'm working towards.   I'm ready for my next to be my last.   We life of the ideal that we're young and we have time for "trial and error" relationships but who wants to continue bouncing back and forth experimenting?  I don't.  My last relationship with Brandon was a major eye opener.   I experienced love on a different level.    I always thought at the end of the day people fought endlessly for what they love and you work towards making it work but some things are meant to fall apart so better things can fall together.  As cliche' as that may sound it's true.   Lately I've really been grasping that people come into your life for various reasons.  To shape you - to mold you - for your next.  Break up sucks - because it leaves you vulnerable.   It's a different type of hurt that we never fathom.   BUT now I can rejoice because I know that some day my man of God is coming and I am patient.  I've truly accepted it.....and it feels good.

I know this post is all over the place but hopefully through it all my point was clear....if there was a point.  =)

April. <3

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