Sunday, January 09, 2011

New Year Rambles.

It's a New Year and my first post of the New Year.  Wow 2010 is over and here we are blessed to see a new year.   Earlier on twitter I tweeted (something of the nature) "2011 = big things. Thanking God in advance for abundance; for prosperity; for His favor!" and I am immensely excited to see where He takes me this year.  

More rambles.   I truly and wholeheartedly believe that if God is the foundation of anything in your life - then regardless of what storm arises you'll be able to stand firm.  We go through things in order to test our Love for Him.  Do we truly and honestly love God as we proclaim?  I always think of Job's love for God and how I aspire to be like Job.  No matter what happened to him he stayed faithful - he was solid in his love.   We live in a generation today where if something that remotely resembles a hard time - we're quick to call it quits.   Thus the decline in sustainable love.  I tell myself that God will be the foundation of all my friendships and relationships - because no matter what life blows in my direction I have something firm to rely upon. 

When you're growing (spiritually) you begin to understand things a lot greater than before.  I used to allow physical attraction to a guy be what I considered the most.  I gave a list of all these things I sought in a guy - he has to be this - he has to be that - then we'd say oh he has to be God-fearing.  Do we (ladies) really and truly understand what it means to have a God-fearing man?  So many profess to be God-fearing but they take you through Hell and back - and still say Jesus is number 1 in their life.  Understand that when a person TRULY fears the Lord - they are afraid to do things.  It's some things that people will NOT do if they truly love God.    We should start looking for the Jesus in a person before trying to date them or even subject ourselves to this person.   If a person is not faithful to God - how do you expect them to be faithful to you? Won't happen.  

I was talking with a friend one day and I was like well the bible says that, "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" - and asked me if I kept reading - that it continued to say, "if your ways please Him" - we as Christians tend to that - we get bible verse and we only read the parts that fit in our lifestyles.  We do things like that.   How can we expect a blessing if our lifestyle is not in line with what the Word says?  Impossible?  We expect BIG things from Him but won't devote BIG TIME to Him.  I always think about a conversation I had with the same friend and he began to ask me to think about the last time I was in love and the feelings that came with it... I realized that when you're in love every moment of your day you're thinking about that person - the thought of their name makes you smile - you learn their behavior - what makes them happy - what makes them mad - what makes them sad - etc - because you're trying to perfect your relationship with them.  Given the same account what about our relationship with God?  Do we utilize these same tactics?  Do we wake up and say Lord I desire to know You a little better today than I did yesterday?  What makes You mad?  What makes You happy?  You can't love someone and not spend time with them.   It takes time....and if you put forth an effort he'll put forth an effort.  

This was another big ramble....but again I hope you understood my points.  

Be blessed.  Much Love.  

Peace and prosperity,
april nicole <3 

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