Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Daily Inspiration - 04.28.10

Nothing you have done has been a waste of time.  Everything you have been through is a stepping stone to your next level.  Don't let boredom, depression, fear or procrastination steal your joy or success.  Perseverance is not a long race; it's many short races, one after another.   Patience and tenacity pays off.  It you have a goal or task that can take your life to the next level, don't give up.  If for some reason you have slacked off working towards your goal, forgive yourself and get back on track.  Put on your faith walking shoes.  Speak your word.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Overcome procrastination.  Trust God for your guidance, strength and provision.  Visualize your outcome.  Be optimistic.  Let go of negative habits and negative people.  Pursue your purpose and passion persistently and prayerfully with patience.  The best is yet to come.
--- Jewel Diamond Taylor

The Makings of My Man.

Copied this from my notes on facebook. This is (i guess in summary) what i like in a guy. =) In no order, specifically.  It's a little continuation from my previous post, I suppose.

Sensually scented.
There’s nothing like the smell of a man. Whether it’s a great body wash, manly deodorant or a sexy cologne. I just love that. Issey Miyake, Polo Black, Dolce and Gabbana for men?

Something about seeing a man engrossed in a novel does it for me. I love a guy who can incorporate slang into his vernacular as I do with my constituents. It shows a great level of cleverness, cognition and linguistic fluidity that is hard to find. An extensive vocabularly will have me awe-inspired in abundance.

Sense of humor.
Can you make me laugh uncontrollably? There’s nothing more fascinating than a guy that can keep up with me in the humor department. I’m a die-hard fan of funny, so if you can make me laugh from a hearty place – we’re good to go.

A creative brother; everything about me melts when a guy has a creative outlet. Whether it’s art, writing, music, or cooking –using that right brain will win my heart hands down. I wholeheartedly love a guy that’s into art.

A guy that can flip it from corporate to casual to street. I like to believe that i have style and if a guy can impress me with his style of dress, trust i'm all ears, eyes and whatever else is needed for attention. ;) this is a necessity. bum dudes gets no love. sorry.

A man who believes that he has the power to do anything he wants and who goes for what he wants; do you talk like that because you can back it up? A guy with integrity; don’t sell your soul for a dollar, player. A man of his word will have me sold forever.

I absolutely love a dude with an accent. Well, not just any accent – an accent that I can understand; I’ve met a few guys that made me want to run in the opposite direction because they sounded so horribly.

A man that sees more than just the physical aspect of a relationship - men who invest in building, not having a “trophy” chick on his arm. Where they do that at?

A story; a dude with an intricate story about his life intrigues me. Not some dude that resides in some sort of make shift reality.

A God-fearing man. That's self-explanatory.

this type love.

i think at 22 i still believe in a fairytale type love. i want the prince charming. i have an ideal picture of how i expect my significant other to be and perhaps that's why i haven't met him? maybe i want too much? i want good morning, mid day, and good night texts. i want him to understand that after going to school full time, working all day and coming home tired, a hug is definitely all i desire. to know that he cares is of extreme importance. i want to be able to talk to him about my goals, my aspirations, my greatest desires and for him to engage wholeheartedly with me. i want him to listen to me when i rant. to just understand. i want him to fight with me (no ike tho) lol. i want him to know how important art is to me and to participate willingly. i don't ask for much but enough room to spread my wings. i want that type of love shihan spoke of when he performed "this type love." i want that, "me thinking of him thinking of me" type love. i NEED him to engross in intellectual conversation with me. most importantly i need him to LOVE God - i mean fear the Lord; to be afraid of nothing but God and God alone and understand that God is number one before all. i could go one forever but i'll stop but i still have some sort of makeshift fairytale fantasy.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

I, Too, Sing America

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"

They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed--

I, too, am America.
---Langston Hughes 

Friday, April 23, 2010

Untitled Anthem.

I am the stone that builder refused
I am the visual
The inspiration
That made lady sing the blues

I'm the spark that makes your idea bright
The same spark that lights the dark
So that you can know your left from your right

I am the ballot in your box
The bullet in your gun
The inner glow that lets you know
To call your brother son
The story that just begun
The promise of what's to come
And I'm 'a remain a soldier till the war is won

Welcome to my online outlet of creative outbursts, daily eruptions of life, & my inner most random moments.   This here definitely won't be a crystal stair.  The journey will be bumpy, a tad bit ugly on days,  beautiful on most and "real" all the time.  The journey is far better than the destination - so I've been told.  I'll try my darn-est to not overbear you with pointless rambles of life - but then again that's what makes me me, all of the randomness.   Kick your shoes off - put your feet up and enjoy your stay.  

Peace & Prosperity,
April Nicole.

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