Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Makings of My Man.

Copied this from my notes on facebook. This is (i guess in summary) what i like in a guy. =) In no order, specifically.  It's a little continuation from my previous post, I suppose.

Sensually scented.
There’s nothing like the smell of a man. Whether it’s a great body wash, manly deodorant or a sexy cologne. I just love that. Issey Miyake, Polo Black, Dolce and Gabbana for men?

Something about seeing a man engrossed in a novel does it for me. I love a guy who can incorporate slang into his vernacular as I do with my constituents. It shows a great level of cleverness, cognition and linguistic fluidity that is hard to find. An extensive vocabularly will have me awe-inspired in abundance.

Sense of humor.
Can you make me laugh uncontrollably? There’s nothing more fascinating than a guy that can keep up with me in the humor department. I’m a die-hard fan of funny, so if you can make me laugh from a hearty place – we’re good to go.

A creative brother; everything about me melts when a guy has a creative outlet. Whether it’s art, writing, music, or cooking –using that right brain will win my heart hands down. I wholeheartedly love a guy that’s into art.

A guy that can flip it from corporate to casual to street. I like to believe that i have style and if a guy can impress me with his style of dress, trust i'm all ears, eyes and whatever else is needed for attention. ;) this is a necessity. bum dudes gets no love. sorry.

A man who believes that he has the power to do anything he wants and who goes for what he wants; do you talk like that because you can back it up? A guy with integrity; don’t sell your soul for a dollar, player. A man of his word will have me sold forever.

I absolutely love a dude with an accent. Well, not just any accent – an accent that I can understand; I’ve met a few guys that made me want to run in the opposite direction because they sounded so horribly.

A man that sees more than just the physical aspect of a relationship - men who invest in building, not having a “trophy” chick on his arm. Where they do that at?

A story; a dude with an intricate story about his life intrigues me. Not some dude that resides in some sort of make shift reality.

A God-fearing man. That's self-explanatory.

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