Thursday, June 03, 2010


Everytime I start to wonder about why things don't work out, why people leave and so on and so forth I remember that "What God has for April is for April" and I reach a chill point.   Talking to one of my associates today made me remember that when we start to wonder why God hasn't given us the blessings we desire is simply because he feels that we aren't ready for us to have them.   And though I hate the loneliness I should use the time to make myself more familiar with His word.   I know I love God but I'm not putting forth much effort in our relationship.   So, I've taken a seat and started getting His word embedded in my lifestyle so prosperity will follow.   I gotta get this right.   I can't keep expecting to move forward physically if I'm stuck in paralysis spiritually.   I'm getting me together.

yup yup,
april nicole.

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