Sunday, June 06, 2010

Still pushing...

These past few days were an experience - one that will possibly take a few weeks to forget.  It's actually all I've been thinking about and as a result it seems to have altered my future business plans.   Can I handle another upset?  Do you really gain strength through the struggle?   Just a few concerns that I've been having.   I think my desire to please everyone with whom I do business with has overwhelmed me.   I've always believed that you have to take the bad with the good but as of late the accumulation of bad has outweighed the good but I believe that better days will soon arise.   I refuse to embrace a deaf-est mindset so the only words I utter seem to be "keep pushing, April."    Although the moral or the lesson that this part of life is unfamiliar right now, in due time it'll make sense.  I hope.

On another tip, letting go is possibly one of the hardest things to do, ever...for me.   Whenever I genuinely like someone it just seems like they disappoint me.   I try not to let these invisible barriers around my heart show too often but the more disappointed I get the harder it is to let someone in.   Laws of attraction suck - when I wasn't all there, he was but now that I seem to have found myself in like - he's rarely available.  Hmph.  Life, right?   Ahhh well.  One day this too shall pass. 

Still pushing,

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