Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Have you ever?

Some days I feel as though my relationships (or lack thereof) is solely my fault.   We're taught to be patient, wait on God and it'll happen.   I'm not rushing God but I'd like a sign - at least to show that he's on the way. (lol) .  A few of my friends bounce from relationship to relationship and I've only had one consistent relationship, back in the gap.   I was told that my standards are too high which is why I'm still single but I refuse to believe that.  My standards are pretty leveled and I don't ask for anything extreme.  At the end of the day all I desire is someone that accepts me for me.   I guess that's pretty shy of what I actually look for or desire in a mate but I rather not indulge.  Today was one of those days and I just feel...idk unloved or what not.    To add to the fact that I feel that way is that no one called or text me.  How unfortunate?   Seems like school and work are indeed my boyfriends being that they get the most of my time.  Something has go to give.  Seriously.

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