Tuesday, May 04, 2010

No Bueno.

To say that I'm tired is an understatement.   Working full time and going to school full time is no joke.  I have the utmost respect for everyone that's grinding to get it.  It's no easy task.  I never understood until now the type of will power it takes to do this.  I'm reminded at the end of the day that all of this is not done in vein.  My bank account is okay, my grades are okay but I want better.  I need to see better.  Im striving for better.  At the moment i feel like i'm in overdrive.  I rarely sleep, I'm up all the time working and schooling and working on school. It's stressful.  I need to really pray more and ask God for continual strength to make it through.  I'm maintaining though.  A very good friend reminded me today that, "I can do all things through Jesus Christ who strengths me."  Yup.  Although these hours are no bueno I'm good.  I think.

Still pushing,
April Nicole.

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