Tuesday, August 02, 2011

august 2.

I'm convinced that somewhere between the making of the "laws of attraction" and the actual execution the game got flipped.   Growing up, I always believed that if two people were mutually feeling each other then they acted on it - but not it appears as though if two people are mutually feeling each other - one of the two falls back and then the game of confusion starts.    I never wanted to get to the point where if I liked someone or if someone liked me that I had to ignore them for them to come around.   That's just too childish....and I'm not too fond of someone ignoring me in order for me to be interested.   If you ignore me with no valid reasoning then I'm falling back indefinitely.  I have little to no patience for games.  If I'm in like with you and vice versa then we're going to be adults about it - and just let time take it's course.   If it's not meant to be then hey - on to the next, right?  Hmph.   Just strange that when I finally decide to be "off" someone then they come around trying to do right.  Too little, too late buddy.

with love,

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