Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's so important to be madly in love with yourself.    People, without a doubt will do whatever to defame your character and leave you feeling some type of way - but when you are madly in love with yourself and know where you stand,  these things will be minute.   Let nothing disturb your peace.   

The same love for yourself should be applied when dating/courting.   If you are in the process of getting to know someone and they aren't treating you like you deserve, leave.   It's so simple but we hold on with hopes that the person will change.  Sometimes, they do but most times they don't.   Which is why the common phrase, "you never knew what you had until it's gone."  We've all been down that street, some f us still walking down and some of us made a u turn back to where we got lost and started over.    

Recognize your worth.   It all starts with the man in the mirror, love you properly then you can love others.

With love, 

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