Ever notice how when you start relying on YOU and less on GOD - that things around you tend to fail? Ever notice how - when you start chasing wordly things - those same things will end up causing you grief, pain, discomfort - etc? We are told to set our affections on things above and not beneath for a reason!! Give God your full attention and anything you could possibly fathom will be in reach. We get so comfortable that we start trying to figure out life without God - I am SO guilty of this. Today - I sat back and watched a situation unfold - and initially I wanted to be mad but I sat there like - April, ma'am - why are you upset? That's your fault. Stop trying to sow into wordly situations and expect a spiritual harvest. It will NEVER work out that way. Today was definitely a lesson learned.
Not only was today a lesson learned - it's an area in my life where I need to totally surrender to God.
april. <3